
Messor orientalis

Messor orientalis
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Messor orientalis
Reference : MFOUR-035
Latin name: Messor orientalis

Taxonomy: Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribes: Pheidolini

Breeding level: Beginner

Geographic distribution: Central Asia, Middle East, South-East Europe

Habitat: Sands and steppes

Colony form: Monogyne

Queen: Size: 11 - 13mm Color: Black shiny, reddish brown legs

Female workers: Size: 4 - 8mm Color: Dark brown

Major: Size 9 - 12mm Color: Dark Brown

Male: Size: 8mm Color: Black

Food: Mainly granivorous that eat various seeds, but also many small insects such as mealworms, flies, mosquitoes, crickets, a water trough is mandatory for the creation of ant bread.

Humidity: Hunting area: 30 - 50% Nest: 50 - 70%

Temperature: Hunting area: 25 - 30 ° C Nest: 23 - 28 ° C

Hibernation: No

Nest type: Plexiglas nest, nest with tubes, reconstituted stone nest.

Description: Messor orientalis is a predominantly granivorous species that is one of the most prolific of its kind, an insect infestation from time to time to boost the brood, a trough is mandatory for the creation of ant bread.

Development: Swarming from late November to December.

Foundation: Claustral (without food) Development: 35 days from egg to worker (depending on temperature)

Size of the colony: Several tens of thousands of individuals, the queen can reach the age of 25 years.
Products available : 0
Normal price : 24.90 EUR
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